Please click on “BOOK NOW” in the main menu to see our current rates and to book tee times. Book online for the best available rates! Phone and walk-up rates may be higher than online rates. All rates include the use of a golf cart.
“In Season” rates are in effect from April through October. “Shoulder Season” rates are in effect in March and November. “Winter” rates are available in December, January and February.
We look forward to seeing you soon at Stonewall Golf Club!
Seniors (Age 60+): $75 Monday-Thursday (Cannon Club Sr.=$70)
Active Military (with I.D.): $75 Monday-Thursday
Juniors (Under Age 16) with accompanying paying adult:
$30 (12pm – Dusk) Monday-Thursday
$40 (12pm – Dusk) Friday-Sunday with accompanying paying adult